Saturday, February 27, 2010

Crochet Hats

Just thought I would mention a really great group that I am blessed enough to be a part of. The Hat Ladies. This wonderful group was started by a couple of really wonderful women who saw a need and has expanded mainly by word of mouth. What this group is all about is making hats for Cancer patients. Men, Women, children.....even those who have not had cancer but another illness that causes them to have no hair and a need for some type of head covering. This group totally donates all their time, all hats are ALWAYS free. A few of the founding ladies deliver the hats to many different locations (see web site for the details) and the group gets some great yarn donations. We are always looking for more yarn and anyone who is interested in the group, for donating yarn, hats, for a need for hats or just to find out more, go to the web site and there is a link to email: I recently was shown an awesome blog from a really talented crocheter (is that a word?) who makes some really cool things including an awesome Super Mario Bros. blanket for her husband (the lucky lucky guy!). Anyway, she had a picture posted of a really adorable watermelon hat and scarf. I had commented on how cute it was and if she ever posts a pattern of it, I would love to get the pattern (I was willing to buy it) but this awesome lady sent out an email recently to her post that now includes the pattern for the hat!! I think that the Lord will t0tally bless fact, she is already really blessed with an awesome talent as an artist that can produce her own patterns. I have been crocheting for many many years and really have never been able to do that!! I usually have to follow patterns. Anyway, check out her blog, she is listed in the blogs I follow, or you can just look for gege-crochet! Thank you, Gege for the great pattern! I am sure the people who receive these hats are going to absolutely love them!

1 comment:

  1. Awww...shucks....*kicks ground*. Thank you so much Karen! I totally credit the Lord with any talent that I may have- He orchestrates things in our lives to allow for blessings to come in ways we never imagined! For instance, I decided to take a leave of absence from work during the summer of 2007 after a very unfair and unpleasant circumstance happened. At the time I was very hurt and angry and confused, but I spent a lot of time in prayer and reading my Bible. That's when I decided to teach myself to crochet. I never would have had the time to do so had I not left work. So, even though I was going through a rough patch and couldn't possibly see anything good occurring at the time, God used it to bless me in a way I could never have foreseen. :)

    I'll be sure to list your blog on mine, as well. :) I'm sure I'll have PLENTY of questions for you on the sewing front!

    And YAYAYAYAY for your new blog!
